
Back to School!

Posted on: 29 Jun 2020

Monday 29th June 2020 - the day the final two year groups returned to school after the start of Lockdown. Just how do you keep children both distanced and engaged in their learning?

The government has said that the decision to allow pupils to return to school is based on the latest scientific advice, but concerns have been raised across the country by parents and teachers who fear social distancing will be impossible in an educational setting. As the numbers at Prebendal have increased over the last few weeks, how can we ensure the safety of your child?

Pupils are kept in 'pods' with one104882504 3078821825531879 1463056697857805941 o member of staff assigned to each pod. The number in each pod varies, but the maximum allowed by the government is 15. At Prebendal, most of our pods are smaller than this.

Desks are kept seperate, and are cleaned regularly throughout the day. Pods are kept apart in their own designated area in the playground, and break times are staggered. At lunchtime, a rotation allows different year groups to eat their lunch on the school fields 103706764 3052484061498989 2742793811887390261 oand run around to burn off energy.

Pupils are expected to wear their uniform, but without blazers or ties. Trainers are permitted if school shoes have been outgrown, and PE kit may be worn if waistbands have become too tight.

Lunches are provided, and are eaten outside when the weather permits. If it is cold or wet, pupils sit at their desks to eat.