Year 5 and Year 6 Latin trip to Fishbourne Roman Palace
On Tuesday 27th June, Years 5 and 6 visited Fishbourne Roman Palace to complement their studies of Latin and Roman culture. We enjoyed tackling a Roman Maths challenge in the morning session, where we had to unlock the padlock on the treasure chest by solving different mathematical problems, such as working out a Roman soldier's pay, the area of roof tiles, and estimating the number of tesserae on a mosaic. In the afternoon, we had the opportunity to act like real Romans by trying a variety of fun activities. We played Roman games, wrote on wax tablets and papyrus sheets, built arches, milled flour, and some pupils cooked Miss Sutcliffe a delicious Roman meal in the replica kitchen. We also had a go at spinning wool and dressed up as King Togidubnus's children. We had a look around the museum and marvelled at the beautiful mosaics which adorned the palace floors two thousand years ago, spotting the hidden signature in the mosaic's border. Writing on the wax tablets was a particular highlight of the day, as was seeing the famous Cupid on a Dolphin mosaic - and of course visiting the gift shop! We had a wonderful time and will be sure to visit again in the future.