

The Prebendal School – Sport 


·         Encourage physical activity, foster physical development, and inspire a healthy lifestyle.  

·         Develop an understanding of fair-play and need of co-operation. 

·         Ensure equal opportunities for pupils irrespective of their abilities.  

·         Offer all pupils the chance to achieve and maximize their potential.  

·         Deliver enjoyment and a sense of accomplishment to inspire meaningful use of time in and outside school, now and in the future.   

Sport for all at Prebendal 

Taking part in sporting activity is fundamental for the progression of every pupil at Prebendal. Participation in sport leads to developmental challenges like no other found at school and contributes to holistic development. We encourage all our pupils to take part in a wide variety of sporting activities and focus on the positive experiences such involvement can bring. Regardless of sporting talent or level of experience, we support pupils to represent the school in our fixtures which take place almost every week of term.  

The Prebendal School combination of specialist coaches and teacher-coaches allows us to deliver a centralised and unique programme of sport, alongside academic education, and co-curricular activities. Our P.E programme offers pupils the chance to participate and trial multiple sports.  

Prebendal provides opportunities for all pupils to become involved via a diverse, stimulating, multi-sport programme at all ages across all abilities. Prebendal recognises the positive impact sport has on both mental and physical health for both sporting scholars, competitive players and those participating recreationally. At Prebendal we cultivate and improve the skills and talent learned through taking part and playing competitively. We encourage pupils to achieve sporting excellence regardless of where their journey may take them beyond Prebendal.  

Prep School Sport  

Prep school pupils spend between 3.5-4.5 hours per week taking part in curriculum PE and games plus competitive fixtures on a Wednesday or Thursday afternoon. In addition to curriculum games, pupils can participate in sporting clubs after school.  


Most fixtures take place either on a Wednesday or Thursday. We have teams covering all age group and include as many pupils as possible in competitive matches against local schools. 

Pre-Prep Sport 

Lessons are skills-based and develop the core elements of agility, balance, and co-ordination. This is achieved through sports such as gymnastics, swimming, invasion games and striking and fielding. The Year 2’s are also invited to take part in one game session a week with the Prep School pupils in part 2 of the summer term. This allows the pupils to develop their skills further in a more structured games environment, preparing them fully for PE and games in Year 3. As the pupils move into Year 3, they fully immerse themselves into our games programme which is tailored to provide the right competitive experience for everyone. 

Mixed Gender Sport 

At Prebendal we see mixed gender sport as an important part of development. Mixed gender sports promote inclusivity by allowing individuals of all genders to participate together fostering diversity and breaking down gender barriers. By playing with and against individuals of different genders, it can enhance players' skills by exposing them to diverse playing styles, strategies, and strengths. 

Sporting Excellence 

Our approach to sport stipulates a varied curriculum in movement, team, and individual sport (invasion sports, target/striking/athletic sports). This versatile balance of different activities develops the scaffolding pupils need to grow within their chosen sport.  

We award a number of Sports Scholarships into years 3 to 7, both internally and externally (contact admissions team for more detail). Sports scholar applicants will be expected to demonstrate an outstanding all-round ability and clear motivation and commitment to sport at Prebendal.  Each year since 2014 numerous Year 8 leavers have been awarded sporting scholarships to various independent secondary schools.  

Pre Senior Baccalaureate – Sport 

The PSB provides a framework to support sport at Prebendal. It assists the development of the essential skills pupils will need in their future academic lives and beyond. Participation in sport is a significant element of the PSB enabling pupils to truly appreciate the importance knowledge acquisition.  

The Prebendal School Sport Scholarship  

Sports scholarships are available for pupils entering all year groups for Y3-7, to boys and girls of outstanding sporting ability and achievement.  

Successful candidates would be expected to have demonstrated a high level of general sporting aptitude and should excel in at least one of Prebendal main sports, i.e. Football, Cricket, Rugby, Cross-country, Athletics or Netball. Other sports which we participate in, for example Swimming will also be considered on a discretionary basis and may also be used to strengthen an overall application. Candidates that play for a club outside of school will be looked at more favourably.  

Candidates may still apply if they are yet to access our major sports if they have clear evidence of advanced physical literacy, athletic potential, and hand-eye coordination. Those showing willingness to contribute consistently across multiple sports at Prebendal are given greater consideration.  

The goal is to help pupils reach their full potential both academically and athletically, providing them with the tools and resources they need to succeed in their sporting endeavours while pursuing their education. 

In addition, Prebendal offers several specific awards to candidates that show strong sporting potential that are yet to experience the sports played at Prebendal. The awards are:  

·         Endeavour Award 

·         Prosperare Award  

·         Esse optimus Award 

Expectation of Sport Scholar 

·         Full commitment to the Prebendal Sports Programme, and the availability for selection of all sports at all levels. 

·         Dedication to continuous sporting/athletic/personal improvements 

·         Have high standards of teamwork and sportsmanship, dress and behaviour when representing the school or elsewhere 

·         Appropriate attitude in lessons and around school  

·         Supporting the sporting approach by helping to organise and run events as directed by the Head of Sport and Head of Co-Curricular.  

Emerging Players Pathway 

The emerging player’s pathway is the start of a pathway towards children achieving Sports Scholarships to senior independent schools. These are individuals of whom do not have a scholarship Prebendal.  
The rationale behind making it exclusively for 'top end' sports performers is that we want to give these high performing sports players the chance to learn from one another and challenge each other to become the best they can be in an elite sporting environment. These players will work alongside Prebendal Scholars on many occasions